All posts by aunderhill

Tomorrow, children need to be outside school at 8am. Staff will be there to meet them- please sign in with Mr Cotton and then pass any medication to Mrs MacPherson. ALL tablets, creams etc need to be in a labelled plastic box/bag with clear instructions for administration.

We will be stopping at the cafe en route, so if children wish to buy drinks and snacks they can do.

Please ensure waterproofs and walking boots are easily accessible, as we normally go straight out to Betws-y-Coed after lunch, bags will not be unpacked beforehand.


Welcome to the blog for the Westacre trip to Snowdon 2019.

I shall try to update twice a day, as and when signal allows, with news and photographs of the activities.

Those children who do not have photo permission will not be photographed to appear on here, unless you visit the office to update permissions.

Please leave comments on the blog, it is always lovely for the children  to know their news is being shared!

Mrs Underhill